We're Back!
- I fixed the link!! Check out the photos...we had such a nice time.
This is a blog about me, Ally, 44 now...trying to conceive baby #3. After 5 years, several miscarriages and heartaches we finally did it. Ava Lynn was born on January 30th 2009. Now I have two teenagers and a baby! Ally wants three is now complete. It's all gravy from here on in...
I had so much O pain this morning it wasn't funny. We had to deliver the sample at 7:30 and IUI was at 9AM. I couldn't believe Dave's sample...the post wash was 52 Million!! Holy shit I know!!
Follies are doing well. I have one measuring about 18 and one about 19...so I go back tomorrow for a follow-up scan. He wants the 18mm one to catch up so I have at least 2 follies set to mature. I had more bloodwork and depending on the results of the estrogen, the IUI will be
She wants him bad!!
another DR. appt today. I had to give more blood to re-check the estrogen levels...they want to make sure the numbers are doubling. Dr. called and my number was only at 190 so they increased my dosage to 225 ius a day. I asked him if I should be concerned and he said no because my follies were progressing pretty nicely. I go back on Wednesday for more of the same and then again on Friday. As far as symptoms on these meds...I feel very swollen in my abdomen...feels like I have pms. My mood is ok MOST of the time. I guess that's a plus.
Today was my 2nd U/S this cycle. It went failrly well for only being on the injects for 3 days. 3 follies ranging from 6-9 MM on the right and 2-3 on the left 5-8MM. Definately alot more action on the shots. I had my estrogen checked and it came back right on target (131) so no need to raise the dose. Monday morning is my next U/S...the doctors are seeing my action more than my hubby these days. LOL
Today is CD3 and the beginning of my Gonal F cycle. I went to the RE to get the baseline U/s done and all the follies from the previous cycle have gone. I asked the nurse to show me how to mix and prepare the shots which wasn't too hard to understand. I will be taking 100 IU's every day for 10 days. I go back for another U/S on Saturday and to check my estrogen levels.
Bd'd this morning and went to pee. AF had arrived in full swing. The nurse told me there were two follies in my ovary but because my progesterone came back high (14.3) she determined that
and still no AF. I tested this morning and it was negative. I'm pretty sure that the cysts that occured from last cycle haven't dissipated. I did a search on follicular cysts and I have many of the symptoms of it...bloated, pressure, constipation. I called the RE and have an appointment tomorrow morning at 7:30. They will do an U/s to see if it's still there and if it grew. Just my dumb ass luck!