
This is a blog about me, Ally, 44 now...trying to conceive baby #3. After 5 years, several miscarriages and heartaches we finally did it. Ava Lynn was born on January 30th 2009. Now I have two teenagers and a baby! Ally wants three is now complete. It's all gravy from here on in...

Monday, January 17, 2005

Kid Swap

Last night my husband calls me from the party and askes if our other nephew can spend the night. Initially I would have said yes, no problem but I still had a bad a taste in my mouth after last weekend's fiasco. Kelly wanted to stay there so we did a swap. It was ok, no problems but I hate when she sleeps over somewhere. She is 10 but I'm still so protective over my kids. I guess I'll just have to relax and let her be a kid.

Mikey is STILL wheezing but he's back to eating like a champ so that makes me feel better and I know he's ont he path tofeeling better. 2 eggs and 2 pancakes, bananas and raisins..he finally tells me he is finished. Now thats how he normally eats...and he's only 60 lbs. At 12, thats about 30 lbs of what he should be. I have petite children, like's in the genes.

Well, I'm CD 16, the monitor still reads high, no peak yet. We are still bding every day much to Dave's delight. I guess the doctor was right. She said that if I dont' get a peak by CD 17 then I do have a shorter luteal phase than I'm supposed to. I'm glad I got those progesterone pills...I hope they work for me.

I had a good reading today's what it said:

How you feel about yourself now (The Empress)This is a time for nurturing, material and domestic comfort, a feeling of abundance, harmony, joy and love. A time for motherhood - you may already be pregnant or thinking about motherhood, if female of course! If male, this is a period of joy and abundance for you too - the appearance of The Empress here could also indicate that your mother or mother figure could be of great significance or comfort at this time. This is also a card of creativity so it is a good omen if you are feeling creatively inspired at this time.

What you most want at this moment (The Sun)The cards suggest Ally, that what you most want at this time is some joy and pleasure in your life, perhaps a long needed holiday in the sun to re-charge your batteries. You may have been through a period of challenges or a time of limbo and inactivity. The Sun heralds an ending to difficulties and a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, a time of pleasure and good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby.

I'll take it!! :)

Jenn, I'm sorry you're bummed today. I could give you the chin up speech but it's worthless when you feel like crap. Just know you have a friend in me. I'll listen, curse, crack ya up...just name it and I'm there.

Don't listen to those boobs on the forum. They just took what you said and twisted it. We know you, that's all that matters :)

Well, I'll check back later on to see if both of you are on yahoo. Hopefully I won't go thru withdrawls again. :)

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At 1:03 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

I am so glad Mikey is feeling better!! The appetite is a really good sign!

Awesome horoscope today!! I am feeling really good about you this month!

I will be on later - talk to you then.


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