
This is a blog about me, Ally, 44 now...trying to conceive baby #3. After 5 years, several miscarriages and heartaches we finally did it. Ava Lynn was born on January 30th 2009. Now I have two teenagers and a baby! Ally wants three is now complete. It's all gravy from here on in...

Sunday, January 09, 2005 of rest?

Hardly! I woke up at 8 which for the most part is late for me. I have to feed the dogs at 7 so they were starving. I know, most people would say "yea, they're dogs" but my dogs are like my kids as well. They were all adopted from the pound, with the exception of Sonny (blue heeler) who was given to me but some nice man in the grocery parking lot. After, I fed and let them out to do their thing, I went to get Mikey up. If I don'tencourage him to pee, he his bed. This doesn't happen often but with an autistic child, you want to aim for consistency. Next is Kelly, who is still asleep...and probably won't get up for another hour. That kid can sleep til noon if you let her. She was up til 10 so I will let that slide for today and decide I need some hot tea and fast because my throat feels like someone parked a mack truck in there.

That is normally what my mornings are like. Usually everything happens about 2 hours earlier when I wake up at 6. I'mjust thankful I don't work outside the home because I simply don't know how I would fit it all in. I tried part-time last year and after a year of that knew it wasn't worth the stress I was posing on myself.

David is off today. Whenever he is off I let him sleep. After all, he has to wake up at 3AM on day shifts and put in a 12 hour day. He did wake up fairly 10AM. I wonder how he does stay asleep with all the ruckus going on. Kids playing, dogs yapping, household is anything but quiet...but I guess he's used to it. I'm on CD 8 on the fertility front. Still no test stick indicator on my monitor. I am still bd'ing every 2nd day just in case.

Anyway, a fun-filled day in store. Helping Kelly finish her science project ..her demonstration speech needs some work, to get my SUV's a total hellhole inside, and to make it to Gringos, my favorite taqueria place for dinner, thanks to David.

Jenn...if you're reading this...I'm waiting for any results today so post them and I'll read your blog later...

Lesley, you need a blog woman...I will (as I'm sure Jenn will) help you get started. I will email you both later...for now...ta ta! :)

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