
This is a blog about me, Ally, 44 now...trying to conceive baby #3. After 5 years, several miscarriages and heartaches we finally did it. Ava Lynn was born on January 30th 2009. Now I have two teenagers and a baby! Ally wants three is now complete. It's all gravy from here on in...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's Official

Dave accepted the job and we're moving back to Houston! He starts on January 2nd so he will be staying with his brother and we (the kids and I) will stay here until school ends in May. I know, another long distance thing but hopefully this one won't be so dragged out as when we came here. This will also put a damper on our ttc as he will only be here on weekends.

As far as IVF, it is on hold for now.

As for my job and my promotion, I have decided not to accept any other offers as it will be too taxing (and I'm taxed to the limit and now I move again too!) so I will stay at my present job until June.

That's it for now..more later when my head stops spinning.

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At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what decisions you had to make...
Hope it all runs smoothly for you, Dave and the kids..
Take care and enjoy your week.
Luv'N'Hugs, Lesley


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