
This is a blog about me, Ally, 44 now...trying to conceive baby #3. After 5 years, several miscarriages and heartaches we finally did it. Ava Lynn was born on January 30th 2009. Now I have two teenagers and a baby! Ally wants three is now complete. It's all gravy from here on in...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Talk about the worst experience! I had my mammogram today. Now, I have had them for 5 years now and this by far was the worst and most painful yet. The lady kept pushing and prodding me, pulling on my boobs and contorting me in ways I don't care to get into. AND THEN...she tells me not to breathe while she takes the pictures. GEEZ!
Us women really go through torture.

So my OB/GYN is putting me on the progesterone again this month. I guess she's hopeful which is always a plus. My temp rose today so we'll be bding just in case. I know the dr told me to wait three days but I wanna make sure it's in there.

My pelvic pain has also worsened. I feel like I have a water balloon in my stomach and it's waiting to burst.

OK, enough bitching. More later!

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At 7:28 PM, Blogger Jessigirl said...

Ally, bitch on me lady!!! Pelvic pain means EGGS!!!! GL!


At 10:45 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

BD anyway is a good idea I think - you had 5 Eggs - and the little one said - roll over, I'm crowded. So they all rolled over and one fell out - Could be Mama!!!


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